ID: appinventor.ai_islandnotes.TopicToolLt
Version: 1.2
File Size: 3.1Mb
TopicTool Lite - phrase match Screenshots
TopicTool Lite - phrase match Description
TopicTool: creating, sharing, and contextually learning through dialog matching.Students, teachers, and anyone committed to effective learning of diverse areas of knowledge ought to consider TopicTool. TopicTool can help teach various subjects through a process of creating and memorizing dialogs. TopicTool combines a memory match game with a system for authoring and editing topics of 7 pairs of matched phrases.
TopicTool can be utilized in various ways as a powerful learning tool in the classroom or for self-study. In a group setting the topic set of phrases can be read aloud and discussed while playing the match game. For individual learners, very specific dialog sets -- of ANY language -- can be created and stored on the cloud server by using unique ID tags.