Download Pickup App 1.3 APK for Android

Pickup App 1.3
File name: Pickup-App.APK
ID: de.hellmann.abholapp
Version: 1.3
File Size: 5.4Mb

Pickup App Screenshots

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Pickup App Screenshots 1
Pickup App Screenshots 2

Pickup App Description

With the Hellmann Pickup App, both new and existing customers of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics now have the opportunity to place their pickup requests for national and international shipments via their Smartphone or Tablet.

How it works: After downloading the App, there are two steps needed to place a pickup request. Firstly, the pickup address needs to be entered. Entering addresses can be done either by making use of the GPS (which automatically detects the user’s current location), by selecting addresses that are already saved in the address book of the device or by manually entering an address. For existing customers, they can log-in with their credentials to the Hellmann Portal and can use the pickup addresses that are already stored there. On all variants, the last information entered is always saved for next use.
Secondly, some inputs pertaining to the detailed information of the shipment also need to be entered such as the shipment’s weight, the number of packages, the type of shipment whether it’s in bulk, palletized or oversized, the date and time of pickup and whether the shipment contains dangerous goods. These details are then transmitted to Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and a digital copy of the given information will be forwarded to the e-mail address provided by the user. Within 30 minutes, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics responds to the pickup request via e-mail and push notification.

Founded in 1871, Hellmann Worldwide Logistics started with one man, Carl Heinrich Hellmann, using a horse-drawn cart to deliver parcels in and around the town of Osnabrueck, northern Germany. Four generations later, Carl’s great-grandchildren, Jost and Klaus, own and run the company with an active network of 19.300 employees in 157 countries.

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Pickup App | 8 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.9

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