Download NAO Communicator 3.0.1 APK for Android

NAO Communicator 3.0.1
File name: NAO-Communicator.APK
ID: de.robotik.nao.communicator
Version: 3.0.1
File Size: 0.7Mb

NAO Communicator Screenshots

NAO Communicator Screenshots 0
NAO Communicator Screenshots 1
NAO Communicator Screenshots 2
NAO Communicator Screenshots 3
NAO Communicator Screenshots 4
NAO Communicator Screenshots 5
NAO Communicator Screenshots 6

NAO Communicator Description

App for remote control of the NAO from Aldebaran Robotics

Connects a NAO in same WLAN as the App and controls a communication server on the NAO. Possible are speech control, walking, led functions, some simple functions, several animations.

- Speech (speechrate, - modulation, -volume, custom text)
- change language
- walking (x-axis, y-axis, rotation, step ferquency, stop walk)
- Hallo (animation)
- Wipe Forehead (animation)
- Stand up
- Sit down
- Shake Hands (animation)
- Red Ball Tracker
- Thai Chi Chuan (animation)
- Gangnam Style (animation)
- Evolution of Dance (animation)
- Caravan Palace (animation)
- Vangelis Dance (animation)
- Eye of the Tiger (animation)
- LED animations (Happy, Angry, Laugh, Cautious, Thinking, Mischievous, Disco, Blink, Circly Eyes, Flash)

- Start hotspot for NAO
- Selection of kown network devices
- Connection to specific IP
- Showing NAOs name and battery level

For first installation scan for you NAO or enter his IP Adress and than tap and hold on NAO device. After that choose "Install Server".
For dances and tracker, download the Choregraphe files from
and upload them to your NAO using Choregraphe, start and mark them as default.

The app requires a python NAO communication server, running on the NAO.
See for detailed information.

The complete project is published under GPL v3 licence.
So feel free to support this project with your work or modify it to your needs.
More information:

What's new in NAO Communicator 3.0.1

Fixed some bugs that lead to app crash.
NAO Communicator | 17 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

Download NAO Communicator 3.0.1 APK

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