ID: com.gipsyz.miwifi
Version: 1.0.1
File Size: 2.3Mb
myWifi Screenshots
myWifi Description
You obviously need to secure your personal network. Maybe you’ve already done that and you want to be sure or you didn't and right now you have a lot of parasites sucking your bandwidth. Anyway don’t worry, we have the answers for the how & why questions.First, we are going to audit the network and find out if it’s easy to break in due to a weak/default password, weak encryption type, etc. Then we are going to list you all the devices connected to it. At this point you should count your phones, tablets and PC’s and remove them from the list. You may have a surprise when you realize that this app is also a “Lovely neighbors” indicator. And by “lovely” you know what I mean.
The second thing to do is to tap all these problems (or give you a warm applause for finally having everything all right). We will tell you how and which are the reasons to do it.
Last but not least, just get out there and enjoy that big window to the world without any interference.
You're welcome!
P.S. If you enjoyed put a like on it!
What's new in myWifi 1.0.1
App translated to Spanish and RoumanianDevices database updated with 3000 new devices