ID: com.vrlimited.ideyewear
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1.4Mb
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IDeyewear Description
A new standard for eyewear is formed! With a world-leading facial recognition technology, ID eyewear revolutionized the measurement of eyewear, into meaningful and understandable based on your facial character; in just a few simple steps in less than 2 minutes, you will have your facial data ready for a better choice of suitable frames, also made available to your optician!從此, 眼鏡的規格將被顛覆! ID eyewear使用了全球業界最先進的面容辨識技術: 只要2分鐘及幾個簡單步驟, 為您的寶貴臉孔分析出最易理解和具意義的尺寸資料, 讓您和您的視光顧問可輕易挑選真正合身的眼鏡!
これから、メガネ業界では、新しい革命を向かってきます。ID eyewearは、世界で最も先進的な顔認識技術を使い:ただ2分間で、あなたの顔サイズを分析し、最もあなたに似合うメガネを選びことができます。
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