ID: com.mattlee.scanibeacon
Version: 1.0
File Size: 0.3Mb
iBeacon Scan Screenshots
iBeacon Scan Description
Find any nearby iBeacon and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices with real-time distance estimation.Features:
- Discover any iBeacon and BLE device, even without knowing its identifiers
- Display all identifiers of each device discovered
- Identifiers include MAC address, UUID, Major, Minor, RSSI, and Txpower
- Display instantaneous RSSI and its moving average
- Display instantaneous distance estimation and its moving average
- Option to calibrate Txpower
- Option to calibrate moving average window
- Option to calibrate path loss exponent
- Option to calibrate scan interval
- Option to calibrate pause interval
This app requires a device with Bluetooth Low Energy (aka Bluetooth 4.0).
iBeacon node can be purchased at
"iBeacon" is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.