- Faster app - Vertical daily scope available - Default scope - Colors are attributed depending on the class type (lecture, project, exam, ...). You might want to erase data from the Settings and to synchronize again. - You rule synchonization. - Rotating your device does not affect anymore the timetable displayed - In week scope, touch the heading day of week to get a daily scope of this day - Tablet users : Settings are now adapted to your screen. (beta : thank you for reporting errors)
The unofficial app for ENSEIRB-MATMECA timetable !
Take a look easily and fastly on your ENSEIRB-MATMECA timetable thanks to this FREE app !
Among several functionalities :
- 3 different views of your timetable : Now, Daily and Weekly ;
- choose the color of your lectures ;
- follow your friends' schedule ;
- add custom events to your timetable (manually or from other apps) ;
- put the widget on your HomeScreen to know your next class at a glance !
- and many other to discover...
~pbaudet, for a beautiful app
ps : Currently only devices running Android 3.0 (and up) are supported. Depending on requests, I may provide a version supporting older devices.
pps : Please report me your layout and performances issues, for example sending me a screenshot.