Purple Shirted Nerd Presents: Definite Integrals by LRAM, RRAM, MRAM, Trapezoids, and Direct Integration.
PSN Math Apps: "Reducing the rote work to help keep you in the creative realm of mathematics."
Advertisement Free - Just a large, clean, user-friendly, specialized tool for finding Definite Integrals.
This calculus application allows you to enter the coefficients in 10 common functions: Polynomials (up to 6th degree) Natural Log Common Log Rational Functions and all 6 Trigonometric Functions
You get to choose the number of partitions for estimates from 1 to 500. All 4 estimates are shown at once with the dircet integration result as well. Direct integration is used on all functions except on the Rational Function screen.
Great teaching/learning tool as you can instantly change the number of partitions and compare accuracy to the direct integration versus the 4 estimates. Check solutions to common integration problems quickly on the extremely user friendly interface. This app was requested by numerous past students of mine.
Be certain to contact me with any comments or suggestions.
See www.psnmathapps.com for short videos of all apps.
Definite Integral Calculator | -1 Reviewers | | Rating: 0