ID: com.celerity.demos
Version: 4.0.0
File Size: 3.7Mb
Celerity Mobile App Demo Screenshots
Celerity Mobile App Demo Description
This Mobile App Demo is part of an integrated solution that gathers different technologies to obtain a full O2O customer journey solution.This demo simulates a PUB customer journey that delivers personalised offers triggered by on-site interaction triggers.
The mobile user will be automatically registered on the Adobe Campaign marketing tool and the user will receive different consumable offers through the mobile app depending on their location relative to some Pub located iBeacons spread throughout the PUB.
A minimum personal information will be obtained from the accounts of the mobile in order to complete the Sign Up process on the Adobe Campaign marketing tool (first name, last name, email , gender and a picture).
This Demo will request the following permissions to the user:
* The use of the mobile Internet connection
* The use of the mobile Bluetooth conection
* The use of the mobile accounts information
* The use of the mobile device information.
This solution uses the following tecnologies:
* Adobe Campaign
* Estimote Beacons
* Google GCM
* PhoneGap
* Different PhoneGap plugins
* Angular JS
* JQuery