ID: com.tdg.calculator
Version: 2
File Size: 18Mb
Calculator Screenshots
Calculator Description
Calculator is very fast and very easy in use.--------------------------
If you want to calculate something you have to type the expression in the form field and the result will be shown below.
Calculator supports follows types: integer/float/vector (2D,3D,4D).
Support functions:
+ = * / % () ! ~ & | ^ << >> == != >= <= >< && || ^^ ** // min max pow abs avg sqrt sqr sin cos tan ctg acos atg ln log2 log DegToRad RadToDeg length dot dross lerp floor ceil trunc round frac sign sat cube cbrt
Calculator is case insensitive so you can type the expression as you want small or large font.
Each computation is done in real-time so you dont't need to press any buttons, just the expression.